HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0952► l, , t r • , W, ROW WHO I # #s tkaree months old and is owned® kept, harbored or possessed within the city: Male and unspayed female dogs in the amount of......®9.$6.04 Spayed female dogs in the amount of..............®.....53.00 The license fee t% 11 be due and payable on the first day of January of each year. Any person who fails or neglects to pay the license fee on or before the first of March of each year as license fee becomes due, shall be deemed delinquent, and shall pay a penalty in the amount of two dollars. Any person who comes into ownership of or commences to harbor, keep or possess a dog over the age of three months, after the first of March of each year, shall within thirty days, obtain a license as herein pro- vided for the remainder of the license year in the full amount hereinabove provided. apply to dogs under the age of three months, if kept within a sufficient enclosure, nor to dogs owned by or in custody or under the control of persons who are nonresidents of the city traveling through the city or temporarily sojourning therein for a period not exceeding thirty days, nor to dogs duly licensed with the current license of an incorporated city within the county of San Mateo, nor to dogs duly licensed by the county of San Mateor nor to dogs brought to the city exclusively for the purpose of entering the same in any dog show or exhibition, and which are actually entered in and kept at such show or exhibition, nor to dogs under treatment in the custody or control of animal hospitals, or to dogs on sale in duly licensed pet shops, nor to dogs owned,', kept or controlled by any person having a permit to keep and main - Iain a dog kennel, provided that such dogs are kept enclosed within such pet shop or dog kennel, nor to dogs under the owner® ship, custody and control of the owner of a dog kennel or his duly authorized employee or agent when such dogs are removed from such kennel in the bona fide operation thereof for the purpose of eyercisp or training. Provided that any such dog bear a metal o a strap around its leg, which tag shall be of a size and type, ost and expense of the owner of the kennel and shall set fortO esignated by the poundkeeper, shall be furnished at the sole hall be treated in all respects as a licensed dog in the event f its escape and subsequent .•however, :hat no unlicensed dogs shall be allowed to run at large; Section 3. Section 9.04.020 of the Municipal Code is amended to read and provide: # . . trolled within the city, and any dog so running at large or uncontrolled is hereby declared to be a nuisance and it shall be the duty of °the humane officer to immediately impound such dog in the public pound where it may be redeemed by the owner or person entitled to the possession thereof, within five days there after on payment in full of fees in accordance with the following', schedule: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij Jill 1111111111 11111111111111 1111111111111 1111 3AW33WR= determined to be required to meet increased posts in the admini- stration of the dog licensing, impounding, and animal catcher services. if said increases should be determined to be pro- hibited by the President's wage and price freeze orders, the existing fees provided in Sections 9.04,11 and 9.04.020 of the Municipal Code shall remain in full force and effect. Section 5. Publication. This ordinance shall be published as required by law. -3- 11 other animals not herein provided fort the m of Five ►. 00 and also the sum iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij Jill 1111111111 11111111111111 1111111111111 1111 3AW33WR= determined to be required to meet increased posts in the admini- stration of the dog licensing, impounding, and animal catcher services. if said increases should be determined to be pro- hibited by the President's wage and price freeze orders, the existing fees provided in Sections 9.04,11 and 9.04.020 of the Municipal Code shall remain in full force and effect. Section 5. Publication. This ordinance shall be published as required by law. -3- YO 4 day of December, 1971, and adopted thereafter at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 3rd day of 'January, 1972 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Amstrup-Crosby-Johnson®Mangini HERBERT K. WHITE, CITY CLERK