HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0984ORDINANCE N0. 984 INTERIM URGENCY ZONING ORDINANCE REQUIRING A SPECIAL PERMIT FOR THE ERECTION OF CERTAIN STRUCTURES WITHIN CERTAIN DISTRICTS E M E R G E N C Y The City Council of the City of Burlingame does ordain as follows: Section 1. Special Permits Required. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Burlingame D4unicipal Code, no building or structure shall cover more than 30% of the total area of the lot or parcel upon which it is constructed, nor shall any building or structure exceeding thirty-five (35) feet in height be con- structed or erected within the City, nor shall any building permit be issued for any of such buildings or structures, except upon special permit granted by the City Council upon application, noticf and hearing as provided in Chapter 25.16 of the Municipal Code. Section 2. Exceptions. (1) The provisions of Section 1 of this ordinance shall not apply in the following districts of the City: First residential (single-family dwellings) (R-1) Second residential (Duplex or two-family dwellings_ (R-2) Third residential (multi -family dwellings) (R-3) as said districts are defined, described and delineated in Title 25 (ZONING) of the Burlingame Municipal Code, nor shall the pro- - 1 - visions of Section 1 of this ordinance apply to the Burlingame Avenue Area Off -Street Parking District, wherein the provisions of Ordinances numbered 959 and 960, as extended by Ordinance No. 981, shall continue to apply. (2) The provisions of Section 1 of this ordinance ',shall not apply to any building or structure for which any appli- cation for any building permit, conditional use permit, any other kind of permit, or variance is on file in the appropriate depart- ment of the City on the effective date of this ordinance, and ei- ther: (a) The Planning Commission has considered such application publicly at either a study meet- ing or a regular meeting; or (b) A Negative Deolaration has been posted pursuant to applicable regulations providing for the making of Environmental Impact Reports; or (c) A final Environmental Impact Report has been made by the City Council. Section 3. Suspension of Variable Height District Regulations. The variable height district regulations as set forth in Chapter 25.35 of the Burlingame Municipal Code are hereby suspended. Section 4. Urgency. It is hereby declared that this ordinance is an ordinance for the immediate preservation of the public peace, safety, health and welfare, and is an emergency mea- sure as provided by law and shall take effect upon its final passage. The facts constituting such urgency are as follows: Height and bulk o£ structures within the Waterfront Commercial - 2 - District are presently unregulated. It appears advisable to adopt regulations to this end. It also appears advisable to review existing regulations pertaining to height of buildings and other structures within the City and also to review existing regulations limiting lot coverage, except for those districts listed in Section 2 of this ordinance. By contract dated December 19, 1972, the City of Burlingame employed. WILLIAM E. SPANGLE, a land use planning consultant, to perform certain services, to make certain studies, and thereafter to report to the City of Burlingame. The contract requires the Planning Consultant to perform the follow- ing specific services, among others: (1) Visual analysis includ- ing identification and analysis of scenic views, focal points and other dominant visual features; and (2) Formulation of criteria and procedures for urban design review throughout the City with particular attention focussed on presently undeveloped lands in the waterfront area, for which more detailed guidelines will be developed. Pursuant to the provisions of the contract, the Planning Consultant made a preliminary report consisting of a Summ ary of Visual Analysis and outline for Urban Design Framework at a spe- cial meeting of the Planning Commission held on January 29, 1973, at which meeting members of the general public were in attendance, and questions and comments of commissioners and members of the public, written and oral, were received, collected and noted for the purpose of continuing study. Also pursuant to the provisions of the contract, the Planning Consultant made further intermediate reports to the Planning Commission at its regular study meeting on February 14, - 3 - ;1973, at which his Report No. 1, "Visual Analysis and Outline for Urban Design Framework" and Report No. 2, "Outline for Open Space and Conservation Elements" were again discussed and Report No. 3, "Preliminary Urban Design Guidelines" was filed with the Planning Commission. Report No. 3 was discussed by the Planning Commission and the Planning Consultant at the Commission's regular meeting on February 26, 1973, at which meeting members of the general public were in attendance, and questions and comments of commissioners and members of the public, written and oral, were received, col- lected and noted for the purpose of continuing study. It appears probable that Urban Design Framework and Guidelines to be developed by the Planning Consultant may require implementation by the adoption of amendments to existing height limitations, and the adoption of height and builk regulations for those areas of the City where they do not presently exist. The restrictions of this ordinance are further necessary pending the completion and implementation of the reviews, studies and reports mentioned above, in order that existing undeveloped lands within those areas of the City where height and bulk regula- tions do not presently exist may be improved in the meantime only upon an approved basis in accordance with the studies and reports as they proceed toward formulation, submission, consideration, adoption and implementation. Section 5. Construction. It is the intention of the City Council in adopting this Interim Zoning Ordinance to suspend the construction of further buildings or structures within the City (except for those districts specified in Section 2), having a lot coverage in excess of 30a or a height exceeding thirty-five (35) feet, except after application, notice and hearing, upon - 4 - a parcel -by -parcel basis, during the period of suspension. This ordinance is to be liberally construed to effect its purpose and the purpose of Government Code §65858, pursuant to which authority this ordinance is enacted. If any section, subsection, clause, sentence or phrase is, for any reason, held to be invalid or un- constitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other portion of this ordinance. Section 6. Duration. This ordinance is intended to be an interim urgency zoning ordinance. Unless this ordinance is ex- tended as provided by law, it shall automatically cease to have force and effect without specific repeal when either: (1) The City Counoil shall enact the new use and zoning regulations, publish the same and the same shall become effective; (2) The City Council shall formally con- sider the new use and zoning regulations and finally reject the same and refuse to enact them into law; or (3) After the expiration of four (4) months from the date of adoption of this ordi- nance, whichever comes first. Section 7. Publication. This ordinance shall be pub- lished as required by law. - 5 - *AYOR I, HERBERT K. WHITE, City Clerk of the City of v Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 19th day of March 1973, by the following four-fifths vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Amstrup-Crosby-Cusick-P4angini-Martin 'NOES: COUNCILMEN: None 'ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: 2done - 6 - CITY CLERK