HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 10457/31/75 ORDINANCE NO. REPEALING CHAPTER 17.04 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE AND ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 17.04 ADOPTING THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE The CITY COUNCIL of the City of Burlingame, California, s OP,DAIPI as follows: Section 1. Chapter 17.04 of the Burlingame ..Municipal is repealed. Section 2. Chapter 17.04 is added to the lingame Municipal (:ode, �o read as follows: "17.04.010 Adoption of Text of Uniform fire Code. There is hereby adopted by the City of Burlingame for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion, that certain code known as the Uniform Fire Code recommended by the Western Fire Chief's Association and the International Conference of Building Officials, being particularly the 1973 Edition thereof and the whole thereof, together with Appendices A, B, C, D and E, save and except such portions as are hereinafter in this chapter deleted, modified or amended,of which code not less than three (3) copies have been and are now filed in the office of the Clerk of the City of Burlingame, and the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein, and from the date on which this ordinance shall take effect the provisions thereof shall be controlling within the limits of the City of Burlingame. 17.04.020 Establishment of Bureau of Fire Prevention. (a) The Fire Prevention Code sizall be enforced by the Bureau of Fire Prevention in the Fire Department of �l- the City of Burlingame which is hereby established and which shall be operated under the supervision of the Chief of the Fire Department. (b) The chief in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of the Burlingame Municipal Code relating to the appointment of employees in the classified service, and shall be in direct charge of the Fire Pre- vention Bureau. (c) The Chief of the Fire Department may detail such members of the Fire Department as inspectors as shall from time to time be necessary. 17.04.030 Amendment of Section 1.213 - Records and Reports. Section 1.213 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding subsection (c) which shall read as follows: '(c) A report of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be made anually to the City Manager. It shall contain all proceedings under this code, with such statistics as the Chief of the Fire Department may wish to include therein; the Chief of the Fire Depart- ment shall also recommend any amendments to the code which, in his judgment, may be desirable.' 17.Q4.040 Amendment of Section 1.405 - 'C' - Definitions, Section 1.405 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding the following definitions: 'Combustibles' shall mean capable of being burned. 'Corporation Counsel' shall mean the City Attorney for the City of Burlingame. -2- 7, 04 , 050 (Blank) 17.04.060 Deletion of Article 3. Article 3 of the Uniform Fire Code shall not be a part of this chapter. 17.04.070. Addition of Section 10.114 - Egress from Apartment House Hotel or Rooming House. Article 10 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding Section 10.114 which shall read as follows: Section T0.114. Egress from Apartment House Hotel or Rooming House. Every apartment house, hotel or rooming house two or more stories in height in which there are one or more apartments or guest rooms above the first floor,shall be designed and constructed so that each apartment or guest room shall have not less than two means of egress.' 17.04.080. Amendment of Section 12.102 - Manufacture, Sale and Discharge of Fireworks and shall read as follows: Section 12.102 is amended '(a) The manufacture of fireworks is prohibited within the jurisdiction. (b) No person shall possess, sell, deliver, deal in, use, explode or fire, or cause to be used, exploded or fired,any form of fireworks designated as "dangerous fireworks" by Section 12505 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California. (c) The possession, sale, delivery, dealing in, use, exploding or firing of any form of fireworks designated as "safe and sane fireworks" by Section 12529 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California is expressly permitted. (d) No person shall make a public display of fireworks without a permit authorizing him to do so .issued by the City Council of the City of Burlingame after application -3- is made as provided in Sections 12640, et seq., of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California.' 17.04.090 Amendment of Section 13.301 - Installation of Fire Protection Systems Section 13.307 and Appliances. Section 13:301 Alarm of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding subsection (d) which shall read as follows: '(d) All fire extinguishing systems and appliances are to be installed in accordance with nationally recognized good practice. All portable fire extinguish- ing appliances shall be located in an accessible and conspicuous location approved by the Bureau of Fire Prevention.' 17.04.100 amended by adding subsections (e) Amendment of Section 13.307 - Fire Alarm Systems. Section 13.307 of the Uniform Fire Code is and (f) which shall read as follows: '(e) A 1 1 fire alarm systems are to be installed in accordance with nationally recognized good practice and shall be approved by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. (f) Whenever a "local" fire alarm system is installed and maintained in any building to warn its occupants in cases of emergency, a durable sign no less than four inches by six inches shall be installed and maintained above each fire alarm station in the build- ing reading as follows:. LOCAL FIRE ALARM ONLY. AFTER OPERATING NOTIFY BURLINGAME FIRE DEPARTMENT 347-1231 17.04.110 Addition of Section 13.315 - Fire Extinguish- ing Equipment for Frotection of Hood and Duct Ventilation Systems and i?elated Cooking Appliances. Article 13 of -4- the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding Section 13.315 which shall read as follows: Section 13.315. Commercial type cooking equipment from which grease -laden vapors emanate in normal cooking application and where the Chief determines that such grease -laden vapors constitute a fire hazard, shall be protected by an approved automatic fire extinguishing system. EXCEPTION: That portion of the £ire extinguishing system required for the protection of the duct may be omitted when approved grease extractors are installed. The design and installation of such fire extinguishing systems shall be in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 20, Uniform Mechanical Code, or NFPA 96 - 1973, Extinguishing systems shall be serviced at least every twelve months or after any actuation of the system. Hoods, ducts, filters and fan housings shall be cleaned at sufficient intervals to prevent the accumulation of grease therein.' 17.04.120 Addition of Section 13.316 - Approved and Supervised Automatic Sprinklers Required. Article 13 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding section 13.316 which shall read as follows: 'Section 13.316. (a) All new buildings on lands zoned C-4 in that area north of Bayshore Freeway and east of the westerly line of Section 18, Township 4 South, Range 4 West, M_D.B.& M., and all other buildings of a total floor area in excess of 20,000 square feet and less than four stories in height, shall be protected by an approved automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system, with the following specific provisions: -5- 1. The shut-off valves and the water flow devices shall be supervised, and their operations shall transmit a signal to the Fire Department head- quarters. 2. If there is a local fire alarm in the building, the operation of the water flow devices shall acti- vate the local alarm system. 3. Any local fire alarm system shall be designed to be heard by all occupants of the building and shall, when activated, transmit an alarm to the Fire De- partment headquarters.. 4. Exceptions: An approved automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system will not be required if fire walls, without any openings or penetrations of any class or type, are constructed as specified in Section 505(d) of the Building Code, and separate the building into areas of less than a total of 20,000 square feet for all floors.. (b) All buildings four (4) or more stories and seventy-five (75) feet or less in height shall be pro- tected by an approved automatic sprinkler fire extin- guishing system with the following specific provisions: 1. Shut-off valves and water flow devices shall be provided on each floor. The water flow devices shall activate the local fire alarm system. The shut-off valves and water flow devices shall be supervised through an annunciator board at a location approved by the Fire Department, and the operation of either shall transmit a signal to the Fire Department headquarters. -6- 2. Any local fire alarm system in the building shall be designed to be heard by all the occupants of the building and shall, when activated, transmit an alarm to Fire Department headquarters. Each of the local fire alarm boxes shall be annunciated at a location approved by the Fire Department, 3. Combination of drg standpipes and sprinkler system may be allowed if designed for such use. 4. An approved supervised system which will provide for automatic detection of products of combustion other than heat shall be installed in every mechanical room and in the return air portion of every air con- ditioning and mechanical ventilation system that serves floors other than the floor on which the equip- ment is located. Detectors shall be located at each opening into the vertical shaft. Detectors shall be supervised through an annunciator board at a location approved by the Fire Department, and their operation shall transmit a signal to the Fire Department head- quarters: (c) All buildings more than seventy-five (75) feet in height shall meet the appropriate requirements of .Title 19 of the California Administrative Code.' 17.04.130 Addition of Section 13.317 - Installation of Fire Hose and Hose Pack, Article 13 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding Section 13.317 which shall read as follows: "Section 13.317.. Every building four (4) or more stories in height shall be equipped with a fifty (50) foot length of two and one-half (2-1/2) inch fire hose and with a hose pack consisting of one hundred -7- (100) feet of one and one-half (1-1/2) inch fire hose to which is attached a fog nozzle and a leader line wye connection. One such length of fire hose and one such hose pack contained in a locked cabinet shall be in- stalled near each dry standpipe on every other floor, starting with the third (3rd) floor. The length of fire hose and the hose pack required herein shall be of such quality; strength, effective- ness and durability as may be determined by the Bureau of Fire Prevention.' Section 17.04.140 Addition of Section 13.318 Elevators - Overriding Switch. Article 13 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding Section 13.318 which shall read as follows: 'Section 13.318. Every building four (4) or more stories in height in which elevators are installed, shall have at least one elevator available for fire department use equipped with an overriding elevator switch, and shall comply with appropriate provisions of Chapter 51 of the Uniform Building Code.' Section 17.04,150 Amendment of Section 15.103 its - for Flammable Liquids. Uniform Fire Code Section 15.103 is identified as subsection (a), and sub- sections (b) through (f) are added, which shall read as follows: '(b) Whenever a permit is granted as herein pro - to erect, construct or install any system, plant, device or apparatus speced in Chapter 17.04 of the Burlingame Ordinance Code, said permit shall carry with it the right to use, operate and maintain said system, plant, device or apparatus for the purpose specified in the applications, but for no other purpose. -8- (c) The permits referred to and required by Chapter 17.04 of the Burlingame Ordinance Code shall be in addition to permits, variances, exceptions, use permits or licenses required by other provisions of the Burlingame Ordinance Code, (d) Before any person shall keep, store, handle, manufacture, process, blend, refine, or use any flammable liquids for which a permit is required as specified in Chapter 17.04 of the Burlingame Ordinance Code, application to the Bureau of Fire Prevention for a permit therefor shall be made. Such application shall be in writing and on such form and shall set forth such information as may be required by the Bureau of Fire Prevention, The application shall be accompanied by plans showing the character and locations of building(s), and the size, capacity and construction of the tank to be used, and the location thereof with respect to adjacent buildings, property lines, water or streams. Where application is for above ground tanks, it shall also be accompanied by plans and specifications for retaining walls in connection with said tank or tanks. All such plans and specifications shall be deemed an essential part of said application. (e) All applications for permits for the construction of pumping or gravity -type oil burning systems and . installation systems of Class I, II and III liquids shall be accompanied by a ten dollar ($10) inspection fee for the first storage tank and a five dollar (S s) inspection fee for each additional storage tank. No fee shall be charged of the United States, the State of California, or any political subdivision thereof, or of any -9- municipal corporation, but an application must be filed in all cases. (f) It shall be unlawful for any person to deliver to any tank, drum or other receptacle that shall be above the ground any Class I, II or III liquids or other liquid products that will flash or emit flammable vapors at a temperature of one hundred degrees (1000) Fahren- heit or below, without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Bureau of Fire Prevention, except it be for the delivery from a tank vehicle to storage tanks of dis- tributing plants or of gasoline service stationslicensed to engage in the service station business with the approval of the Fire Department.' 17.04.160 Amendment of Section 15.109 - Dispensing. Section 15.109 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding subsection (c) which shall read as follows: '(c) Automatic Dispensing Devices: The installation and use of coin-operated dispensing devices for Class I flammable liquids is prohibited. Class I flammable liquids shall be delivered and dispensed from dispensing devices only by the owner or person entitled to possession or by his employees, or authorized representatives; and when unattended all pump and other facilities for the deliver- ing of Class I flammable liquids shall be locked or other effective precautions taken to prevent public access to flammable liquids. The use of any device which permits the dispensing of Class I flammable liquids when the hand of the operator of the discharging nozzle is removed from the nozzle control lever is hereby forbidden except when using an automatic nozzle as provided in Section 15.109(c)l. 1. Automatic hoze nozzle valves with latch open devices: In lieu of being held open by hand, an approved automatic nozzle may be used for dispensing -10- Class I flammable liquids into the fuel tank of a vehicle. Such a nozzle shall have the latch - open device as an integral part of the assembly and shall shut off the liquid reliably and positive- ly when the gasoline tank is filled, when it falls from the filling neck of an automobile tank, when it is subject to rough usage such as dropping or lack of proper lubrication, or when an automobile is driven away while the nozzle is still in the tank. A competent attendant shall be in the immediate vicinity of the vehicle being filled by such an approved nozzle.. No approved automatic nozzle shall be attached to or made a part of any such dispensing devices or used without a written permit from the Bureau of Fire Prevention.' 17,04,170 Amendment of Section 15.210 Underground Tanks. Section 15.210 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding subsection (d) which shall read as follows: '(d) General Storage: 1. In retail commercial districts (C-1), service business districts (C-2), professional business dis- tricts (C-3), light industrial districts (M-1) and heavy industrial districts (M-2), as such districts are defined in Title 25 of the Burlingame Ordinance Code,or in any other district, other than a residential district, which may be established hereafter, all Class I, II and III liquids shall be stored at least two feet from any building. Restricted Locations: No above -ground storage of Class I and II flammable liquids or Class III com- bustible liquids shall be allowed within the limits of Fire Zone I or III, -11- No one tank shall contain more than twenty thousand (20,000) gallons with an aggregate of sixty thousand (60,000) gallons. The City Council may, upon application for a per- mit therefor, and with the recommendation of the Chief of the Fire Department, grant permission to store and keep Class I, II and III liquids in excess of the ag- gregate amounts of sixty thousand (60,000) gallons. No tank shall be connected to another so the liquid can freely flow from one into another. 2. In first residential districts (R-1), second residential districts (R-2), third residential districts (R-3) and fourth residential districts (multi -family) (R-4), all Class I, II and III liquids shall be stored at least two feet from any building, In any such residential district, a single storage tank of a capacity not to exceed five hunded fifty (550) gallons may be installed; provided that on any premises where any person is lawfully engaged in a commercial enter- prise, a single tank having a capacity of not to exceed one thousand (1,000) gallons may be installed. Any such tank shall be at least two feet from any building or structure or part thereof and be covered with at least two feet of earth.' 17.04.180 Amendment to Section 15.709 - Safe Rules. Section 15.709 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding subsection (c) which shall read as follows: '(c) The use of flammable liquids having a flash point below one hundred degrees (100°) Fahrenheit for removing grease, dirt or oil is prohibited.' -12- 17.04.190 Amendment of Section 15.1106 - Parking and Garaging. Section 15.1106 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding subsection (d) which shall read as follows: (d) Flammable liquids shall not be discharged from any tank vehicle while it is parked on a public street without a permit from the Bureau of Fire Prevention. At no time shall a tank vehicle enter a building in order to discharge Flammable liquids.' 17.04.200 Amendment of Section 19.109 - Corrosive Liquids. Uniform Fire Code, Section 19.109 is identified as subsection (a), and subsections (b) and (c) are added which shall read as follows: '(b) Not more than twenty-five (25) gallons of nitric, muriatic or sulphuric acid or a like acid, shall be kept or stored in any one place in the City unless the same be kept in a fireproof storage room of one hour fire resistant construction, as defined by Title 18 of the Burlingame Ordinance Code. The floor of such storage room shall be of concrete, and sump shall be constructed at the lowest point thereon capable of containing at least fifty (50) gallons of acid. There shall be a sill con- structed of brick or concrete rising not less than nine (9) inches from the floor. On the outside of each wall and door of the storage room there shall be a sign reading, "Acid Storage" in letters of not less than three (3) inches in height. All acid storage rooms shall be vented to outside air. (c) A11 acids mentioned in this section may be stored in an open lot or yard, provided that such lot or yard is enclosed by a fence. Signs reading "Acid Storage" in letters of not less than three (3) inches in height shall be attached to such fence.' -13- 17.04.210 Addition of Section 19.112 - Above Ground Storage Tahks and Pressure Vessels. Article 19 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding Section 19.112 which shall read as follows: 'Section 19..112. (a) All above ground storage tanks, pressure vessels and containers over one hundred, (100) gallons (water capacity) permanently installed, mounted or affixed and used for the storage of flammable and combustible liquids, compressed gases or hazardous chemicals regulated by this article, shall bear the "NEPA 704M Identification of Hazardous Material" label. EXCEPTION: Portable tanks not permanently mounted, temporary tanks used on construction sites, drum storage and packaged materials in containers of fifty-five (55) gallons or less capacity. Labels shall conform with NFPA 704M for size and color and shall be affixed to tank, vessel or container so as to be conspicuously visible at all times. (b) When any tank covered in this section is housed within a building, the building shall have the same hazard identification label in a conspicuous location on the exterior of the building.' 17.04.220 Amendment of Section 27.410 - Use of Torches or Flame -Producing Devices for Rerioving Paint.. Section 27.410 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding a second paragraph which shall read as follows: 'It shall be unlawful for anyone to undertake the removal of paint from any building, structure or portion thereof, by the process of burning, without first having obtained a written permit therefor from the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Such a permit shall not be given where the surrounding conditions would make that method of removing - 14- paint particularly hazardous.' 17.04.230 Addition of Section 27.415 - Gratings on Sidewalks. Article 27 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding Section 27.415 which shall read as follows: Section 27.415. The owner or tenant of any premises having a sidewalk grating shall install and maintain a metal catch basin under the grating which shall extend not less than four (4) inches beyond each side and end of the grating. Said catch basin shall be kept free from all accumula- tions of dirt and refuse Gratings in the walls of any building shall be covered with a fine screen to keep out lighted matches, cigars or cigarettes when such wall fronts upon any sidewalk,' 17,04.240 Addition of Section 27.416 - Sidewalk DeadTights, Article 27 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding Section 27.416 which shall read as follows: 'Section 27.416. A11 sidewalk deadlights shall be kept in good repair. Broken deadlights shall be replaced within twenty-four (24) hours after notice has been given by the Bureau of Fire Prevention to make necessary repairs.' 17.04.250 Amendment of Section 31.101 - General Requirements. Section 31.101 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding subsection (c) which shall read as follows: '(c) Permit Required for Welding or Cutting.1. 1. A permit shall be required for each company, corporation, copartnership or owner -operator performing welding or cutting operations except as provided in Section 31.101(c)2. This permit shall not be required for each welding or cutting job location. The company, corporation, copartnership or owner -operator shall notify the Bureau of Fire Prevention in advance where such work -15- is taking place, except where such work is done in response to an emergency call that does not allow time for the Bureau of Fire Prevention to be notified in advance of the work. 2. A permit shall not be required of any company, corporation, copartnership or owner -operator: (a) Where the welding or cutting is performed in areas approved for the purpose, or (b) Having an approved permit system established for control of the fire hazards involved. 3. Application for a permit required by this article shall be made by the company, corporation, copartnership or owner -operator performing the welding or cutting operation or by his duly authorized agent. 4. A permit for welding or cutting operations shall not be issued unless the individuals in charge of perform- ing such operations are capable of doing such work in a safe manner. Demonstration of a working knowledge of the provisions of this article shall constitute acceptable evidence of compliance with this requirement. 5. Companies, corporations, copartnerships and owner -operators required to have a permit shall maintain a record of all locations where welding or cutting operations are performed and have it available for inspection by the Bureau of Fire Prevention.' 17.04.260 Amendment of Section 31.109`- Storage of Calcium Carbide in Buildings. Section 31.109 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding subsection (d) which shall read as follows: '(d) No calcium carbide shall be kept or stored without first obtaining a permit to do so from the Bureau of Fire Prevention.' -16- 17 .04.270 Addition of Section 31.114 - Electric Arc - Welding and Cutting. Article 31 of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding Section 31.114 which shall read as follows: 'Section 31.114. (a) The frame or case of the welding machine, except internal combustion engine driven machines, shall be grounded. Ground connections shall be mechanically strong and electrically adequate for the required current. (b) Welding current return circuits from the work to the machine shall have proper electrical contact at all joints and periodic inspection shall be made to ascertain that proper electrical contact is maintained. (c) When electrical arc -welding or cutting is to be discontinued for any substantial period of time, such as during lunch hour or overnight, all electrodes shall be removed from the holders, the holders shall be care- fully located so that accidental contact cannot occur, and the machines shall be disconnected from the power source.' 17.04.280 Removing Debris after Fire. The owner or person having under his control or in his possession, upon any premises in the Cityaany debris and personal property which has been partially destroyed or damaged by fire, smoke or water and which is useless or unmerchantable, shall remove the same from the premises within such time as the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall direct. 17.04.290 Fire Alarm Boxes and Fire Hydrants. (a) OBSTRUCTING ACCESS OR VIEW. No person shall place, or cause to be placed, any article or thing so as to inter- fere with or obstruct free access and approach to or view of any fire alarm box or fire hydrant. -17- (b) PLACING LUMBER, ETC., NEAR. No person shall place or deposit lumber, rock, sand, debris or other substance within fifteen (15) feet of any fire alarm box or fire hydrant on any public or private property in the City. (c) PLANTINGS, FENCES, ETC., NEAR. No person shall plant or maintain shrubs, bushes, or other vegetation, or construct or maintain fences or poles, or any other structures on any public or private property, any of which are a danger to the public health, safety or welfare, within fifteen (15) feet of any fire alarm box or fire hydrant. (d) REMOVAL OF LUMBER, ETC. If any obstruction is maintained in violation of subparagraph (b) of this section, it shall be summarily removed on order of the City Manager, Chief of the Fire Department, or Chief of the Police Department. (e) REMOVAL OF PLANTINGS, FENCES, ETC. If any obstruction is maintained in violation of subparagraph (c) of this section, and the Chief of the Fire Department finds that it is dangerous to the public health, safety or welfare, he shall give notice in writing to the person maintaining such obstruction to remove it within ten (10) days after receipt of such notice. The notice herein prescribed shall be delivered in person or transmitted by United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the person maintaining such obstruction, or owning the pre- mises, at his last known residence or business address. In the event that the obstruction shall not have been removed to the satisfaction of the Chief of the Fire Department within ten (10) days after giving the notice, -1�- the Chief of the Fire Department may forthwith cause the obstruction to be removed, provided as follows; (1) That within ten days after giving such notice, the person maintaining the obstruction may appeal in writing to the City Council, and during the period of pendency of the appeal and until final determina- tion by the Council the Chief of the Fire Department shall not remove the obstruction unless he shall determine its continuance is hazardous. (2) The appeal shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk. (3) The appeal shall be set for hearing at the meeting of the Council next succeeding the receipt of notice thereof by the City Clerk, if the notice of appeal is received five or more days prior to such meeting. If the notice of appeal is received less than five days prior to such meeting, the hearing shall be set for the second succeeding regular meeting of the Council after receipt of the notice.. (4) Evidence may be submitted at the hearing in behalf of the appellant and the City, and the Council shall make finding thereon. The findings of the Council shall be final, conclusive and binding upon all parties. (f) USE OF FIRE HYDRANTS, The use of any wrenches, other than approved fire department spanners, for the purpose of opening or shutting any fire hydrant is pro- hibited. No fire hydrant shall be used by any person other than a member of the Fire Department, or a City employee without first having secured a permit in writing from the Fire Department. The permit shall contain such -19- conditions as may be specified by the Chief of the Fire Department, and may restrict the permittee to the use of specified hydrants. The Chief of the Fire Department may also require that the applicant for such permit post a cash security or a surety bond with the City Clerk in such form and amount as the Chief of the Fire Department shall deter- mine, guaranteeing to save the City harmless from any and all damage which may accrue by reason of the use of any fire hydrant. 17.04.300 Notifying Other Departments. In case the Chief of the Fire Department shall have made any recom- mendations which involve structural, electrical or sanitary conditions; he shall immediately notify the building, electrical or health department, as the case may be, of such conditions, and a copy of such notice shall be sent by the Chief of the Fire Department to the City Manager, 17.04.310 Appeal and Review. The Chief of the Fire Department shall be charged with the duty and respon- sibility of administering the provisions of this chapter. Whenever it is provided herein that certain things shall be done in accordance with the order, opinion or approval of the Chief of the Fire Department, such order, opinion or approval shall be complied with; provided any person aggrieved thereby, or believing that such order, opinion or approval is erroneous or faulty, may appeal, -20- except as otherwise provided in this chapter, to the City Manager in writing within forty-eight (48) hours after such order, opinion or approval shall have been given, and the City Manager shall affirm, modify or reverse the same within forty eight (48) hours thereafter; provided further that if dissatisfied with the City Manager's ruling thereon, such person may appeal to the City Council at its next regular meeting thereafter, and the decision of the Council shall be final and conclusive. In the meantime, except in the cases of immediate hazard, the order, opinion or approval shall be deemed suspended until such person shall have exhausted his right of appeal as herein provided." Section 3. This ordinance shall be published as required by law. HERBERT K. WHITE, City Clerk of City of Burlingame, does hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the .8th day of August , 1975, and adopted thereafter at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the ltd day of Septanab ar 1975. AYES: COUNCILMEN: tang nd NOES: COUNCILMEN: �4one ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: �oTI HERBERT K. WHITE, City Clerk -21- Deput "City Cler