HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1037ORDINANCE N0, 1037 AMENDING CHAPTER 25 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE CONCERNING OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS IN C-4 DISTRICTS, LOT COVERAGE, SET -BACK AND LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS IN M-1 DISTRICTS, LOT COVERAGES IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS AND ELIMINATING USE VARIANCES The City Council of the City of Burlingame does ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Section 25.41.080 of the Municipal Code of the City of Burlingame is amended to read as follows: Section 25.41..080 Parking space requirements. All uses shall provide parking space in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 25.70 of this code. Establishments for the sale and consumption on the premises of beverages, food and refreshments shall, however, be subject to the following special requirements: (a) Customer parking to be provided on site at the rate of one car space for each 100 square feet of gross floor area. (b) In addition, employee parking to be provided on site or wr. reasonable proxy, in the judgment of the City Planner, at the rate of one car space for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. (c) Ten Section 2, per cent of the customer parking spaces required for such establishments may be allocated to compact cars. The dimensions for a compact car space for 90° angle parking shall be 17' -0" long and 8' -0" wide. Compact car spaces shall be clearly marked: "SMALL CAR ONLY." signs; provided, however, there shall be a minimum Section 25.42.055 is added to said code to read as follows: Section 25.42.055 Coverage and setbacks The following maximum coverage and minimum setbacks shall apply to all parcels located in M-1 Districts: (a) All buildings and structures or portions thereof which are hereafter erected, constructed, established or enlarged shall be limited to seventy per cent (70%) of the total area of each property or group of properties. (b) There shall be a minimum setback of fifteen (15) feet from any street or future street to all build- ings and all structures, except signs; provided, however, there shall be a minimum setback of twenty- five (25) feet from the property line of all build- ings and all structures except signs, or any -1- REVISED enlargement of existing buildings or structures or signs, constructed on lots adjacent to either side of Airport Boulevard or Bayshore Highway, or adjacent to the west side of Rollins Road from the northwesterly city limits to Mills Creek. Section 3. Section 25.42.070 is added to said code to read as follows Section 25.42.070 Landscaping and design requirements. The following landscaping requirements shall apply to all parcels located in Millsdale Industrial Park subdivisions and to parcels located in M-1 Districts: A minimum of ten per cent (10%) of the total area of each property or group of properties shall be suitably landscaped and the landscaped portions shall be properly maintained. When construction plans are submitted to the building inspector for a building permit, a land- scaping plan and specifications shall be submitted for approval of the park director. Section 4. Section 25.54.010 through 25.54.030 of said code are amended to read as follows: Section 25.54.010 Application for variance. Any owner of any property within any district desiring to obtain a variance from, or exception to, any provision of the zoning regulations of the city may present to the city clerk an application requesting such change. Section 25.54.020 Power to grant variances - Scope of variances -.Conditions for granting. Subject to the provisions of this chapter, the city council, after a hearing and recommendation thereon by the planning commission, may vary the appli- cation of the zoning regulations heretofore or here- after established and may impose reasonable regulations as conditions to granting variances and exceptions, and such requirements shall be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this title. Variances may be granted to a person or to run with the land and for such time as the council may determine. Variances may be granted, as herein provided, with reference to, but not limited to, the following: restrictions as to time for the use of the property; the type or nature of the buildings; plans therefor; materials for the use thereof; size thereon, including -2- limitations as to height and area; building line restrictions; front, side, and rear yard requirements; lot coverage; parking and motor vehicle storage re- quirements; persons who may use buildings or premises in accordance with any variance or exception which may be granted; and provisions for the time and manner of the return of such building or condition to the former condition of such property. The variance may be granted provided that the council finds, after a full investigation and public hearing that all of the following is true: (a) That there are exceptional or extraordinary cir- cumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved, which do not apply generally to the property or class of uses in the district, so that a denial of the application would result in undue property loss; (b) That such variance would be necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a property right of the owner of the property involved; (c) That the granting of such variance would not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or injurious to the property or improve- ments of other property owners, or the quiet enjoy- ment of such property or improvements. (d) That the granting of such variance will not adversely affect the comprehensive zoning plan of the city. Section 25.54.030 Lapse of variance for non-use. Any order for a variance granted under the provisions of this chapter shall become null and void at the expir- ation of one year from the date of its effectiveness unless the premises affected thereby shall have been used or occupied in conformity with such order. Section 5. Section 25.66,010 of said code is amended to read as follows: Section 25.66.010 Lot coverage table. All buildings, structures and improvements which exceed five feet in height or portions thereof which are hereafter erected, constructed, established or enlarged in any portion of the city shall be limited in lot coverage in accordance with the following table: District Lot coverage in per cent of total area of lot Interior Lot Corner Lot R-1 40 40 R-2 40 45 R-3 50 60 R-4 50 60 -3- repealed. Section 6, Section 25.66.020 of said code is hereby Section 7. This ordinance shall be published as required by law. �x yor I, HERBERT K. WHITE, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the City Council held on the day of Apxc.l 1975, and adopted thereafter at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the '�- day of Apx l , 19751 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: �a='��s;�g�,.�°rr�.��aa.t�u.;�k�i��ra•s.:�e�x� ���,�8�;::a�_ NOES: COUNCILMEN: N "` ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: N(Imlr -4- City Clerk