HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 17621 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22, 23, 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE No. 1762 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME AMENDING TITLE 25 TO ADOPT THE ANZA POINT SOUTH DISTRICT Section 1. In 2004, the City Council adopted a reviseayshore Specific Plan to guide development and use of the Bayshore Area of the City. Among the subareas in the Plan is the Anza Point area, which includes a variety of uses and lot sizes. This ordinance implements the Specific Plan for the southern portion of this subarea. Section 2. Anew Chapter 25.49 is added as follows: Chapter 25.49 Anza Point South (APS) Sections: 25.49.010 Scope and purpose of regulations. 25.49.020 Permitted uses. 25.49.025 Conditional uses. 25.49.030 Prohibited uses. 25.49.040 Setbacks. 25.49.042 Height and bulk of buildings. 25.49.045 Minimum lot size and street frontage. 25.49.048 No variance for lot size and street frontage. 25.49.050 Landscaping. 25.49.052 Design review. 25.49.060 Public access. 25.49.080 Parking requirements. 25.49.010 Scope and purpose of regulations. It is the purpose and policy of this chapter to establish and maintain land uses for the southern portion of the Anza Point subarea of the Bayshore Specific Area Plan. The Anza Point subarea lies east of Sanchez Channel, is bounded on two sides by San Francisco Bay and by US 101 on the south side. The Anza Point subarea is divided into two sections the southern one served by Beach and Lang Roads is developed with light industrial uses. These provisions address the Anza Point South (Beach Lang Road) area of the Anza Point subarea. The purpose of these regulations is to direct the siting and development of structures, adhering to the development policies and adopted design guidelines of the Bayfront Plan. The intention is to attract development which will benefit from the proximity to the open water areas of San Francisco Bay and its estuaries will support public recreation and access along 8/23/2005 ANZA POINT SOUTH 1 2 3 4 5 6' 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 San Francisco Bay, will protect this irreplaceable natural and recreation resource. Future development consistent with the Bayfront Specific Planwill create aviable transition from the heavy commercial uses along US 101 to the Bay oriented uses to be developed on the vacant land to the north, establish a bayside gateway to Burlingame on its eastern end, and contribute to the revenue base of the city. In creating this district, the city asserts that economic as well as aesthetic advantages accrue to the land, its occupants and the public from the required controls and regulations. 25.49.020 Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted: (a) Recreation -related retail sales uses located within a building often thousand (10,000) square feet or more with the total retail sales area not to exceed five thousand (5,000) square feet on the lot; (b) Publicly owned recreation facilities; (c) Office uses with a maximum floor area ratio of 0.6, including research and development offices with associated laboratory uses; however, neither manufacturing activity nor health services nor medical clinics are allowed; (d) Anylight industrial ormanufacturing use, such as electronics, furniture, biotechnology, drug, pharmaceutical an d printing conducted wholly within a completely enclosed building, including associated laboratories, which: (1) Has a fl oor area ratio of not more than 0.5; and (2) Does not use impact presses or over twenty (20) tons rated capacity or machine operated drop hammers; and (3) Encloses compressors and generators so that there is no increase in the twenty-four (24) hour ambient noise level in excess of 3 dBA at any property line; and (4) Does not create an obnoxious or offensive presence or emission of odor, dust, gas, noise, bright lights, smoke, vibration, harmful sewer waste or have a detrimental effect on permissible adj acent uses; (e) Warehouse, storage, and distribution of goods, materials, liquids and equipment conducted wholly within an enclosed building with a maximum fl 8/23/2005 2 oor area ratio of 0.5; ANZA POINT SOUTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12:11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (f) Outdoor storage ofmaterials including contractors storage yards, incidental to permitted uses, subject to the following: (1) Covers a maximum of ten (10) percent of the lot area; and (2) Is limited to side and rear yards; and (3) Is paved and drained according to city standards; and (4) Is enclosed by an opaque fence or wall eight (8) feet in height. (g) Service businesses including contractors, but not including personal service uses, so long as � the following conditions are met: (1) On-site parking for all company vehicles; and (2) On-site parking for all employees; and (3) Adequate on-site space is provided for loading and unloading goods, equipment and materials; and (4) No taxable retail sales transactions occurring on the site. (h) Air courier, delivery or other trans -shipment services, including freight forwarding, which provide on-site parking for all fleet vehicles and on-site parking for all employees; (i) Accessory uses which are necessary for the permitted uses under this section. 25.49.025 Conditional uses. The following are uses requiring a conditional use permit: (a) Office uses with a floor area ratio of more than 0.6, including research and development offices with associated laboratory uses; however, neitherhealth services nor medical clinics are allowed; (b) Any light industrial or man ufacturing use such as electronic, furniture, biotechnology, drug, phannaceufical an d printing conducted wholly within a completely enclosed building, including associated laboratories, which exceeds any of the performance criteria of section 25.49.020(d) above; however, approval of a variance shall be required to allow an y such use to exceed 0.5 FAR; (c) Day care facilities with on-site drop off an d parking as required by chapter 25.70; (d) Outdoor storage of materials, including contractors storage yards, incidental to permitted uses for which one or more of the following applies: 8/23/2005 3 ANZA POINT SOUTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (1) Outdoor storage covers more than ten (10) percent of the lot area; or (2) Some or all of the outdoor storage is not located in aside or rear yard; (e) Warehouse, storage and distribution of goods, materials, liquids and equipment conducted wholly within an enclosed building with greater than a 0.5 floor area ratio; (f) All structures that are taller than the maximum height allowed pursuant to section 25.49.042 below, if wind studies demonstrate that the additional height is consistent with the community wind standards; but in no event shall any structure be taller than ten (10) feet above those maximum heights allowed pursuant to section 25.49.042; (g) Any use similar in nature to one which is permitted or for which a conditional use permit is required which is: (1) Consistent with planned land uses in the Anna Point subarea; and (2) At a density and intensity determined not to exceed the trip generation for the planned use of the site using the adopted Bayfront traffic analyzer. 25.49.030 Prohibited uses. Uses not listed as permitted or conditional shall be prohibited, including but not limited to the following: (a) Automobile rental uses; (b) Automobile dealers and sales lots; (c) Automobile wrecking and junkyards, storage or baling of scraps, paper rags, sacks or metals, including recycling facilities for green waste and other materials; (d) Adult oriented businesses as defined in chapter 25.76; (e) Commercial parking lots; (f) Commercial recreation and gymnasiums; (g) Food establishments; (h) Gasoline service stations and major and minor automobile repair including auto body work; (i) Health services and medical clinics; 111 8/23/2005 ANZA POINT SOUTH 1 2 3. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (j) Massage, bathing or similar establishments; (k) Personal services; (0 Residential uses and buildings; (m) Hotels or motels; (n) Any use determined to be obnoxious or offensive. 25.45.040 Setbacks. The following minimum setbacks shall apply to all parcels, buildings and structures or any enlargement thereof: (a) Front setbacks. A111ots shall have a front setback of at least fifteen (15) feet. (b) Side setbacks. There shall be a minimum ten (10) foot side setback. (c) Rear setbacks. Except for lots with a lot front on the north side of Beach Road, there shall be no minimum rear setbacks. For lots with a lot front on the north side of Beach Road, there shall be a minimum rear setback of ten (10) feet. 25.49.042 Height and bulk of buildings. (a) Maximum height shall be determined by impact on the prevailing wind and shall be staggered with a maximum height of thirty (30) feet along the eastern side of the lot, increasing in a graduated manner to a maximum of fifty (50) feet along the western, or Sanchez Channel/Burlingame Lagoon, side of the lot, as established in the Anza Point subarea design guidelines and consistent with the community wind stan dards. (b) Maximum bulk and mass shall be determined by the floor area ratio established in the Bayfront Specific Plan for the land uses in the Anza Point subarea. Where no floor area ratio is provided, mass and bulk shall be based on the adopted design guidelines, the development constraints documented in the Bayfront Specific Plan, and the zoning regulations where the property is located. 25.49.045 Minimum lot size and street frontage. There shall be a minimum lot size of forty thousand (40,000) square feet and a minimum street 8/23/2005 5 ANZA POINT SOUTH 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 frontage of one hundred fifty (150) feet. No property in the district maybe divided or subdivided into a lot with less area or less street frontage. 25.49.048 No variance for lot size and street frontage. Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, no variance for lot size or street frontage shall be granted to any property within this district. � 25.49.050 Landscaping. The following landscaping requirements shall apply to all lots: (a) The landscape requirements of the design guidelines for the Anza Point South portion of the Anza Point subarea of the Bayfront Specific Plan as adopted by the city council shall be met. (b) A minimum often (10) percent of the parking area shall be landscaped; (c) A minimum of eighty (80) percent of the front setback shall be landscaped; and (d) A minimum of forty (40) percent of the lot area within the Bay Conservafion and Development Commission jurisdiction shall be landscaped. 25.49.052 Design review. Construction and alterations including substantial construction or change to more than fifty (50) percent of the front fagade or change to more than fifty (50) percent of any fagade facing a public or private street, parking lot, or the Bay Trail shall be subject to design review based on the design guidelines for the Anza Point subarea of the Bayfront Specific Plan and shall be processed as provided in section 25.57.030. (a) A design review application in the APS distri commission for the following considerations: (1) Support of the pattern 8/23/2005 ct shall be reviewed by the planning of diverse architectural styles as defined in the design guidelines for the Anza Point subarea and the role of the shoreline in creating a network of interconnected open spaces; (2) Respect an d promotion of the streetscape by the placement of buildings to maximize the commercial use of the street frontage, off-street public spaces. 6 and by locating parking so that it does ANZA POINT SOUTH 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 not dominate street frontages, and for properties fronting on Airport Boulevard, that the design is sensifrve to the surrounding bodies of water, orientation of the prevailing winds and to the Coyote Point recreation area. (3) On visually prominent and gateway sites, whether the design ,is the site and is compatible VV ith the surrounding development and consistent with the design guidelines for the Anna Point subarea; (4) Compatibility of the architecture and landscaping with the design guidelines for the Anza Point subarea including materials used in existing development, location and use of plant materials, and compatibility with transitions where changes in land use occur nearby; (5) Architectural design consistency by using a single architectural style on the site that is consistent among primary elements of the structures) and consistent with the directives of the design guidelines for the Anza Point subarea; and (6) Provision of site features identified in the design guidelines such as orientation to minimize wind obstruction on San Francisco Bay, landscaping, and pedestrian circulation which enriches and enhances the existing recreation opportunities of the area, including extension of the Bay Trail. (b) When any part of a commercial structure is subject to design review, any awnings on the commercial structures shall be included in the design review. (c) Exemptions fr om design review: (1) Applications for building permits or planning approvals for development in the Anza Point district filed before October 19. 2005. (2) Any amendment to a project exempt from design review pursuant to subsecfion (1) above shall be subject to design review if the project involved would have otherwise been subject to design review under subsection (a) above, the project has not been completed, and the amendment would extend any structure involved in the application outside the envelope of the structure for which the approval was granted or sought in the underlying application or would change a facade. Changes to, additions of, or deletions of awnings as an amendment to a project shall not trigger design review under this subsection. 8/23/2005 7 ANZA POINT SOUTH 2 4 5 6 7 8' 91 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 125.49.060 Public access. Public access shallbe maintained and developed based on the city -adopted and Bay Conservation and Development Commission -approved Public Access Guidelines for Burlingame based on the applicable water frontage as follows: (a) On San Francisco Bay proper: An average setback of seventy-five (75) feet of the lot as measured from the shoreline as defined by the Bay Conservation and Development Commission; in no case shall the area as measured from the top of bank be less than the minimum width for the Bay Trail as required by the Bay Conservation and Development Commission; and (b) On Sanchez Channel and Burlingame Lagoon : An average setback of sixty-five (65) feet � as measured from the shoreline as defined by the Bay Conservation and Development Commission; in no case shall the area as measured from the top of bank be less than the minimum width for the Bay Trail as required by the Bay Conservation and Development Commission. (c) All areas improved for public access within the jurisdiction of the Bay Conservation and Development Commission shall be maintained by the property owner and shall be available to the public in perpetuity as determined by the Bay Conservation and Development Commission; 25.49.080 Parking requirements. All uses shall provide parking in accordance with the applicable provisions of chapter 25.70 of this code with the following chan ges or additions: (a) Bay Trail parking. On sites with fr ontage on San Francisco Bay, Sanchez Channel, and Burlingame Channel, the Bay Conserv ation and Development Commission shall determine the number of on-site parking spaces to be designated for public Bay Trail access parking; these on-site parking spaces shall be designated from the required parking for the site, shall be available to the public without charge during the hours that the Bay Trail is open, and shall be posted as public access parking by the property owner as required by the Bay Conservation and Development Commission, 8/23/2005 0 ANZA POINT SOUTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17' 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Section 3. This ordinance is to be published according to law. ....Wyor ,V I, DORIS MORTENSEN, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 6' day of September, 2005, and adopted thereafter at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 19th day of September, 2005, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: BAYLOCK, GALLIGAN, NAGEL, O'MAHONY NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE 1A /-City Clerk SA0rdinnces\ord1762.ord.doc s/z3/2oo5 9 ANZA POINT SOUTH